Journal of Interdisciplinary Approaches to Text

ISSN 2336-9884

About the journal

Important notice: The L&L website is currently being redesigned. Please notice that as of issue 11, L&L uses the Chicago Author-Date style. For author instructions, submissions and queries, please email us at logoslittera@live.com. Thank you for your understanding.


Logos & Littera:

Journal of Interdisciplinary Approaches to Text



Milica Vuković-Stamatović, PhD, University of Montenegro


Igor Lakić, PhD, University of Montenegro

(Earlier editors-in-chief: Vesna Bratić 2020-2020; Milica Vuković Stamatović 2016-2019; Neda Andrić 2014-2016)


Publisher: Faculty of Philology, University of Montenegro

Country of publication: Montenegro

Character: International academic/scholarly/scientific journal

Language: English, French, Russian, Italian, German, Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian

Topics: Linguistics and literature, emphasis on interdisciplinary approaches

Frequency: 1-2 issues annually

Peer review policy: Double blind peer review

Peer review time: Up to 2 months

Deadline for submission: All year round

Author fees: No

Open access: Yes (online, pdf)

Digital archiving: Yes (Phaidra)

Medium of publication: Online

Screening for plagiarism: Yes

Copyright: Authors retain copyrights

Abstracting and indexing: EBSCO, Linguist List; MLA Bibligraphy (Modern Language Association); MLA Directory of Periodicals; DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals); ProQuest’s LLBA (Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts); Erih Plus; CiteFactor (Academic Scientific Journals); MIAR (Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals)

ISSN: 2336-9884


Aims and scope

Logos & Littera is an international peer-reviewed journal whose aim is to publish outstanding research in linguistics and literature. The journal focuses on interdisciplinary approaches to text, at the boundaries of linguistics/literature and disciplines such as sociology, psychology, philosophy, political science etc. Logos & Littera encourages critical debates on literature and linguistic topics and issues, spanning not only the theoretical and methodological dimensions of text and discourse, but also their practical and socially relevant outcomes. The journal was founded in 2013 by the Institute of Foreign Languages, University of Montenegro.

The journal accepts original, empirical, and theoretical research articles, as well as book reviews. The former should comprise between 5,000 and 9,000 words, whereas the latter should not exceed 2,000 words. Papers with a strong theoretical background covering and citing all or most of the literature relevant to the topic pursued and corpus-based investigations shall be given preference.

The contributors should apply the MLA citation style (see the Guidelines) and submit their papers in either .doc or .docx format (Template 1), along with the cover sheet (Template 2), to logoslittera@live.com.

Institute of Foreign Languages, 2013; Faculty of Philology 2015
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